Sunday, 31 May 2015


I have been for a long time writing about Iranian Astrology and Iranian Current Affairs.

In my writings I have had to show that many of the concepts of ancient Iran are called Zoroastrian.

The word "Zoroastrian" is based on labelling the thoughts of Iranians from the moment we stepped into the Iranian Plateau.

The people who labelled ancient Iranian philosophy "Zoroastrian" were born thousands of years after Iranians. They belonged to new Abrahamic religions.

These Jewish, Christian, and Moslem scholars looked for a single religious leader to be the name of their religion.

Ask any secular Iranian "are you religious" and most will tell you that they are spiritual or secular. They will not tell you that they are Jewish, Christian or Moslem.

But if you ask an Iranian, do you like the idea of Good Thoughts, he or she will agree. And so there lies the root of Iranian attitude.

All Iranians like the ancient idea of Good Thoughts leading to Good Words, that will lead to Good Deeds. They will agree that their ancestors built Iran to make it the "Heaven on Earth".

A Good force or freedom exists to help us be free all the time to exist and have free will. The wisdom that we need is the greatest thought or Ahuramazda.

If you like the concept of the wisest thought then you are an Ahuramazdan.

Zoroaster was an Ahuramazdan.

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